
What’s New In Chaos Mesh And Deep Dive Into Multi Clusters Support


Authors:   Chao Zheng, Ed Huang


The presentation discusses the Chaos Mesh project, which is an open-source tool for chaos engineering in large-scale distributed systems. The project aims to increase the probability of reproducing bugs by injecting failures into the system. The presentation highlights the features of the project, including Azure chaos, multi-Kubernetes support, and improved usability.
  • Chaos Mesh is an open-source tool for chaos engineering in large-scale distributed systems
  • The project aims to increase the probability of reproducing bugs by injecting failures into the system
  • Features of the project include Azure chaos, multi-Kubernetes support, and improved usability
  • Azure chaos allows users to run chaos workloads on top of the Azure cloud
  • Multi-Kubernetes support enables users to run chaos experiments across multiple Kubernetes clusters using one central controller
  • Improved usability includes a drag and drop feature for defining workflows
The presenter explains that the project was inspired by the idea of Schrödinger's cat in quantum physics, which is a thought experiment that explores the concept of superposition. The project was initially called Schrödinger and was designed as a container-based injection system for Pink Hat's databases. The project was later open-sourced and renamed Chaos Mesh.


Chaos Mesh is one of the most popular open-source chaos engineering platforms, with the goal of making chaos engineering easier and more accessible. In this session, In addition to a brief overview of Chaos Mesh, Cwen will provide an update about the latest feature developments, and deep into how to support chaos experiments on multiple Kubernetes clusters. In the real case, chaos experiments across multiple clusters are often needed, to achieve it and make it easy, chaos mesh supports this feature natively. In this session, Cwen will introduce how to design and implement this feature and introduce typical real world use cases.


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