
Chaos Engineering 2023 with Chaos Mesh


Authors:   Saiyam Pathak


Chaos engineering is an important part of software architecture and requires proper communication and learning from maintainers and practitioners. The Chaos Mesh project is a growing open-source tool for managing chaos engineering experiments.
  • Chaos engineering should be implemented and designed with software architecture
  • Learning from maintainers and practitioners is important for understanding use cases and benefiting applications
  • Proper communication is key for running chaos engineering in production with minimized blast radius
  • Chaos Mesh is a growing open-source tool for managing chaos engineering experiments
  • New features and community involvement are important for the growth of Chaos Mesh
The speaker emphasized the importance of communication in chaos engineering by sharing a story of a company that ran a chaos experiment without properly communicating to their team. The experiment caused a major outage and the team was left scrambling to fix the issue. Proper communication could have prevented this situation.


Chaos Engineering is becoming increasingly popular as a way for organizations to improve the reliability of their complex systems. By intentionally causing failures and disruptions, Chaos Engineering helps teams identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in their systems, which can then be addressed to improve overall system resilience. In this talk, the speaker will introduce the principles of Chaos Engineering and the Chaos Mesh project, an open-source platform designed to help organizations build more resilient systems. The talk will begin by exploring how Chaos Engineering can be used to proactively identify and mitigate potential system failures. The speaker will then dive into the features and capabilities of Chaos Mesh, demonstrating how users can easily configure and run a variety of experiments, including network disruptions, system failures, and performance degradation, while maintaining control over the scope and impact of each experiment. The talk will conclude with a demo of Chaos Mesh in action, showcasing how it can be used to test the resilience of a system and identify potential weaknesses. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of Chaos Engineering and practical insights into using Chaos Mesh to improve system resilience.
