
Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling with KEDA


Authors:   Zbynek Roubalik, Jorge Turrado


Kedro is an open-source software tool for building data pipelines that is currently an incubating project of CNCF. It provides auto-scaling deployments for Kubernetes deployments and jobs based on events, with a focus on not manipulating data. The project has over 190 contributors and is proud of its diverse user base. Future plans include caching metric values, solving the limitation of only one extension point for metric server in Kubernetes clusters, and integrating cloud events.
  • Kedro is an open-source software tool for building data pipelines that is currently an incubating project of CNCF
  • It provides auto-scaling deployments for Kubernetes deployments and jobs based on events, with a focus on not manipulating data
  • The project has over 190 contributors and is proud of its diverse user base
  • Future plans include caching metric values, solving the limitation of only one extension point for metric server in Kubernetes clusters, and integrating cloud events
During a presentation, the speaker demonstrated Kedro's auto-scaling capabilities by generating load with a publisher job and watching the consumer application scale up to 30 instances before scaling back down to zero. The speaker also provided a public demo URL for users to try the demo in their own infrastructure.


Nowadays, the popularity of event-driven applications is rising, they enable us to design and develop scalable, distributed, and flexible systems. Kubernetes platform brings the distributed and flexible aspect, though it doesn't provide any built-in way to deal with event-driven scaling properly. Scaling based on CPU and/or memory usage doesn’t fit well with event-driven processes. The majority of autoscaling solutions are usually complex, and their scopes are too attached to a specific provider. KEDA came to solve these problems, providing a simple way to gather the metrics from external sources and translate them into Kubernetes metrics to drive the event-driven autoscaling. During this session, we will introduce KEDA: what it is, how it works, show it in action, and discuss future development.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!
