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Authors: Zbynek Roubalik, Jorge Turrado

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Kedro is an open-source software tool for building data pipelines that is currently an incubating project of CNCF. It provides auto-scaling deployments for Kubernetes deployments and jobs based on events, with a focus on not manipulating data. The project has over 190 contributors and is proud of its diverse user base. Future plans include caching metric values, solving the limitation of only one extension point for metric server in Kubernetes clusters, and integrating cloud events.
  • Kedro is an open-source software tool for building data pipelines that is currently an incubating project of CNCF
  • It provides auto-scaling deployments for Kubernetes deployments and jobs based on events, with a focus on not manipulating data
  • The project has over 190 contributors and is proud of its diverse user base
  • Future plans include caching metric values, solving the limitation of only one extension point for metric server in Kubernetes clusters, and integrating cloud events