
Jaeger Intro and Deep Dive

Authors:   Prithvi Raj, Joe Elliott


Jaeger is a popular open source distributed tracing backend that is designed to run on Kubernetes. It is a useful tool for debugging and understanding what's happening in a system. The Jaeger operator is a cool piece of technology that allows for easy deployment, configuration, scaling out, and operating Kubernetes in a large distributed environment. OpenTelemetry is going to replace all of Jaeger's own libraries. Jaeger is not a monitoring tool, but it could become one with the help of metrics. Jaeger does not support querying across multiple regions and multiple Elasticsearch clusters.
  • Jaeger is a popular open source distributed tracing backend that is designed to run on Kubernetes
  • Jaeger is a useful tool for debugging and understanding what's happening in a system
  • The Jaeger operator is a cool piece of technology that allows for easy deployment, configuration, scaling out, and operating Kubernetes in a large distributed environment
  • OpenTelemetry is going to replace all of Jaeger's own libraries
  • Jaeger is not a monitoring tool, but it could become one with the help of metrics
  • Jaeger does not support querying across multiple regions and multiple Elasticsearch clusters
Jaeger is a tool that is focused on debugging and understanding what's happening in a system. It allows users to analyze trace data and drill down into different transactions and spans. Jaeger is not a monitoring tool, but it could become one with the help of metrics. The Jaeger operator is a cool piece of technology that allows for easy deployment, configuration, scaling out, and operating Kubernetes in a large distributed environment. However, Jaeger does not support querying across multiple regions and multiple Elasticsearch clusters.


In this session we will cover both introductory and deep dive material for the Jaeger distributed tracing backend. For intro we will review methods of getting started installing Jaeger and the basics of distributed tracing. For the deep dive we will be discuss the future of Jaeger built on top of the OpenTelemetry collector and what that means for Jaeger architecture, future development and features. Jaeger is the most popular open source distributed tracing backend. Whether your goal is to get acquainted with Jaeger and distributed tracing or to keep abreast with the latest and greatest, please join us!



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