
Jaeger: The Future with OpenTelemetry and Metrics


Authors:   Pavol Loffay, Jonah Kowall


Jaeger is an open-source distributed tracing system that helps in monitoring and troubleshooting microservices-based distributed systems.
  • Jaeger is an open-source distributed tracing system that helps in monitoring and troubleshooting microservices-based distributed systems
  • Jaeger supports OpenTelemetry line protocol, Adaptive sampling, and flame graph views in the UI
  • Jaeger is working on supporting ClickHouse as a native data store and replacing the Jaeger collector with OpenTelemetry
The speaker mentioned that Jaeger is often used in conjunction with Prometheus and Grafana to monitor and visualize performance data in microservices-based distributed systems. They also mentioned that there is a new monitoring tab in Jaeger that queries the Prometheus backend to pull this data in. Additionally, the speaker discussed the controversy surrounding the competition between Jaeger and Tempo, which is another tracing solution released by Grafana. However, they emphasized that Jaeger and Tempo are different products for different use cases.


In this session, we will start with an introduction to the Jaeger distributed tracing project and the basics of distributed tracing. Jaeger recently deprecated its native clients in favor of the OpenTelemetry SDKs. We will explain what this means to you as users and why we are changing the path forward. To help facilitate this transition, we will cover OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation best practices to build a scalable trace pipeline to deliver this data to a Jaeger backend. Moving Jaeger from a tracing system to a monitoring system has been a big push for the project in the last year. Made possible by OpenTelemetry and the processor layer which allows for the creation of metrics derived from traces in the pipeline. Operational monitoring is now possible using the new monitoring tab, which adds metrics capabilities to Jaeger UI via another graduated project, Prometheus. We are always seeking new collaborators, contributors, and users. We need your help, please join us!


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