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Authors: Pavol Loffay, Jonah Kowall

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Jaeger is an open-source distributed tracing system that helps in monitoring and troubleshooting microservices-based distributed systems.
  • Jaeger is an open-source distributed tracing system that helps in monitoring and troubleshooting microservices-based distributed systems
  • Jaeger supports OpenTelemetry line protocol, Adaptive sampling, and flame graph views in the UI
  • Jaeger is working on supporting ClickHouse as a native data store and replacing the Jaeger collector with OpenTelemetry
Authors: Vineeth Pothulapati

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Migrating from OpenTracing to OpenTelemetry for improved Tracer implementation and performance
  • Two levels of migration: instrumentation layer and collector layer
  • OpenTelemetry shim and complete re-instrumentation are two ways to migrate at the instrumentation layer
  • Complete re-instrumentation offers more capabilities and flexibility
  • OpenTelemetry SDK is more performant and has access to framework plugins
  • Context propagation using baggage and headers is easy in OpenTelemetry
  • OpenTelemetry supports multiple context propagations
  • Demo shows how to migrate from OpenTracing to OpenTelemetry
Authors: Joe Elliott, Jonah Kowall

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the introduction of new signals, metrics, in addition to traces in Jaeger, a distributed tracing system, to understand performance and service monitoring. The auto-instrumentation feature in .NET eliminates the need for code changes to instrument the application.
  • Jaeger is a distributed tracing system that helps debug and understand transactions
  • Metrics are introduced as new signals in addition to traces to understand performance and service monitoring
  • The span map metrics processor is used to derive metrics from traces and generate metrics from these traces
  • Metrics can be visualized in Grafana and used in the Jaeger UI
  • Auto-instrumentation feature in .NET eliminates the need for code changes to instrument the application
Authors: Reese Lee

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of distributed tracing and the use of sampling strategies to manage the volume of data produced. It also highlights the challenges of implementing tail-based sampling using OpenTelemetry.
  • Distributed tracing is important for understanding system connections and diagnosing problems.
  • Traces are made up of spans, which represent logical units of work within a request.
  • Sampling can be implemented at different stages of span processing to reduce the number of created or sampled spans.
  • Tail-based sampling can be optimal for efficiently getting the desired data, but it can also have performance and scalability concerns.
  • OpenTelemetry requires a collector to implement tail-based sampling, and all traces need to end up in the same collector for it to work properly.
Authors: Pavol Loffay, Jonah Kowall

In this session, we will start with an introduction to the Jaeger distributed tracing project and the basics of distributed tracing. For the deeper dive, we will discuss the future of Jaeger and its relation to OpenTelemetry. We will cover how OpenTelemetry and Jaeger work together to unlock new use cases for operational monitoring using the new monitoring tab, which adds metrics capabilities to Jaeger UI. We will also take a closer look at the Jaeger Kubernetes operator and discuss deployment strategies. Jaeger is the most popular open-source distributed tracing backend. We are always seeking new collaborators, contributors, and users. We need your help! Whether your goal is to get acquainted with Jaeger and distributed tracing or to keep abreast with the latest and greatest, please join us!Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!
Authors: Jonah Kowall

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The conference presentation covers both introductory and deep dive material for the Jaeger distributed tracing backend, including the Jaeger operator and metrics work. The presentation emphasizes the importance of instrumenting code for meaningful traces and the challenges of service meshes.
  • Jaeger is a popular open source distributed tracing backend that requires code instrumentation for meaningful traces
  • The Jaeger operator is a cool piece of technology that is part of the project
  • Metrics work has been going on in Jaeger
  • Service meshes present challenges for distributed tracing
  • The speaker's company is a SAS observability company that focuses on an open source-based platform that includes Jaeger