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Authors: Vincent Behar

At Ubisoft, we're building an internal platform to provide managed services - such as Kubernetes clusters, databases, ... - through a unified experience. Any team can contribute to the platform by bringing their own services, which will need to be integrated at the API Gateway level. This talk is the story of our transition from a manually managed API Gateway - configuration and rules - to a self-service one, using a custom Kubernetes Operator. We'll go through the challenges we faced with our initial setup while scaling the platform, and our reasons for writing our own operator, instead of relying on existing solutions. We'll explain our platform's conventions, and how we are using OpenAPI as a central point of entry for our APIs. And we'll detail the features we needed - and implemented - to automatically configure our API Gateway based on the OpenAPI documents provided by the different services. While doing so, we'll also relate some organizational challenges, such as switching responsibilities, as well as technical benefits from using the controller pattern: the reconciliation loop, dry-run - with server-side apply. And we'll highlight what we learned along the way. Our technical stack is based on Kong, Kubebuilder/controller-runtime, testcontainers, Kind, Telepresence...
Authors: Tero Saarni, Steve Kriss

Download the code ahead of time. DCO required.Contour, a CNCF incubating project, is a high performance ingress and load balancer solution for Kubernetes. We are actively seeking more feedback in the areas of adding more advanced API Gateway features and onboarding new users and contributors so they are able to join the conversation and contribute to the project.For those new to the project we will provide a tour of the repository and help set up development environments to begin contributing on some existing issues of outstanding technical debt.For those that have some familiarity with Contour and API Gateways, we will spend time getting deeper in technical detail about how new features will be implemented and how they will fit together with Contour and its current capabilities.This Contribfest session is designed to provide projects with the space and resources to tackle outstanding technical debt, security issues, or outstanding impactful feature requests. They are intended to provide a place for maintainers to meet contributors and potential contributors and work together on solving a problem.
Authors: Flynn, Lance Austin

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Emissary is a self-service, developer-centric API Gateway with various resilience features and is built on top of Envoy Gateway. The project has had several new releases and added features since kubecon Detroit.
  • Emissary is a self-service, developer-centric API Gateway with various resilience features
  • The project has had several new releases and added features since kubecon Detroit
  • Emissary is built on top of Envoy Gateway
  • Edge stack provides an implementation of external services used by Emissary
  • Emissary is likely to shift to being built on top of Envoy Gateway
  • Newer versions of Emissary have a component called apix that handles translation between crd versions
Conference:  ContainerCon 2022
Authors: Yolanda Robla Mota

The proposal of the talk is to provide an end-user oriented view about the transformation of a monolith into microservices for a certain application. It will summarize the motivations for that transformation - what drove us to embrace microservices and the benefits that is offering to us. Following advantages will be highlighted: - security - optimizing internal traffic - observability - improvements on application deployment Pain point, common caveats, difficulties for onboarding developers, and specially changing the paradigm will be topics to explore as well. Attendees will be able to understand what is a service mesh, what makes it different from an API gateway, and the advantages and constraints that it brings with it.