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Authors: Ionut-Maxim Margelatu, Larisa Andreea Danaila

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the challenges of having separate workflows for infrastructure provisioning and application deployment and proposes a unified approach using Crossplane. The speaker also highlights the importance of putting everything in a single release.
  • Separate workflows for infrastructure provisioning and application deployment lead to inefficiency, higher risk of errors, longer feedback loop, and unmanageable complexity
  • A unified approach using Crossplane can increase iteration speed, quality, and time to market
  • Putting everything in a single release is crucial for continuous deployment pipeline and reducing cognitive load on developers
  • Examples of challenges include running post-deployment tests, making changes in configuration, and dealing with multiple repositories
Authors: Dan Garfield, Joseph Sandoval

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the scalability and security challenges of using Argo CD in large organizations and offers strategies for addressing them.
  • Argo CD is a tool for managing Kubernetes applications that can support large numbers of developers and objects
  • The presenter offers a conservative benchmark for Argo CD scalability, suggesting that 15,000 objects and 50 clusters are safe limits
  • However, the presenter notes that with tweaking, Argo CD can support much larger numbers of objects and clusters
  • The presenter emphasizes the importance of security in using Argo CD, particularly in multi-tenant environments
  • The presenter suggests using an app of apps pattern to manage large numbers of objects and dependencies
  • The presenter recommends splitting Argo CD instances to provide better isolation and prevent noise
  • The presenter suggests that a control plane may be necessary for managing large numbers of Argo CD instances
  • The presenter notes that Adobe has been speaking at the conference and is part of a larger Adobe Cinematic Universe of talks
Authors: Vikram Sethi, Manabu McCloskey

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Adobe built a secure multi-tenant GitOps application deployment solution using Argo and Crossplane to provision cloud resources consistently and across all teams.
  • Adobe faced challenges with infrastructure provisioning and lacked visibility, observability, and auditability into infrastructure resources provisioned by individual teams
  • Adobe leveraged Argo and Crossplane to build a scalable GitOps-based application deployment solution and broker the provisioning of cloud resources consistently and across all teams
  • Adobe and Amazon designed a layered isolation mechanism for tenant teams on top of existing shared Kubernetes clusters via a mix of technologies such as OPA Gatekeeper, ServiceAccount boundaries, IAM roles, etc.
  • The solution solved the non-negotiable requirements of security and multi-tenancy, which are hard to achieve natively with Crossplane and Argo
  • The new solution improved the developer experience and reduced the mean time to resolution when encountering issues or outages
Conference:  CloudOpen 2022
Authors: Colin Murphy

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of WebAssembly and edge computing for machine learning models to improve user experience and reduce network costs.
  • WebAssembly and edge computing can be used to run machine learning models in the browser and reduce network costs
  • Edge computing is ideal for running small models that are single-threaded and require low latency
  • WebAssembly can improve user experience by reducing load times and allowing for more memory in the browser
  • The content authenticity initiative uses machine learning models to fingerprint images