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Authors: Vikram Sethi, Manabu McCloskey

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Adobe built a secure multi-tenant GitOps application deployment solution using Argo and Crossplane to provision cloud resources consistently and across all teams.
  • Adobe faced challenges with infrastructure provisioning and lacked visibility, observability, and auditability into infrastructure resources provisioned by individual teams
  • Adobe leveraged Argo and Crossplane to build a scalable GitOps-based application deployment solution and broker the provisioning of cloud resources consistently and across all teams
  • Adobe and Amazon designed a layered isolation mechanism for tenant teams on top of existing shared Kubernetes clusters via a mix of technologies such as OPA Gatekeeper, ServiceAccount boundaries, IAM roles, etc.
  • The solution solved the non-negotiable requirements of security and multi-tenancy, which are hard to achieve natively with Crossplane and Argo
  • The new solution improved the developer experience and reduced the mean time to resolution when encountering issues or outages
Conference:  Transform X 2022
Authors: Jeff Wilke, Alexandr Wang

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The importance of data and AI in e-commerce and retail, particularly in creating an authoritative catalog and optimizing inventory management for a unified buying experience.
  • AI is winning against traditional algorithms in e-commerce and retail
  • Data is crucial in fueling AI algorithms
  • Amazon's success in creating an authoritative catalog through product type definitions
  • The need for a unified buying experience through omnichannel retail and optimized inventory management
  • AI can play a huge role in marketing discovery, transactional experience, and inventory management