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Authors: Natalie Arellano, Aidan Delaney

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses customizing the build process using Cloud Native Buildpacks. It explores the various buildpacks extension points that enable custom workflows for application developers and platform operators.
  • Cloud Native Buildpacks simplifies building container images
  • Customizing the build process is necessary for some workflows
  • Inline buildpacks and build time environment variables can be used for customization
  • Base image extension with Dockerfiles can be used by platform operators
  • Buildpacks can be used to implement unique build patterns
Authors: Natalie Arellano, Sambhav Kothari

Cloud Native Buildpacks makes building container images a breeze. It comes with out-of-the-box support for rebasing, reproducibility, multiple entrypoints and more! In this talk we’ll uncover the magic that the lifecycle - the binary at the heart of CNB - uses to convert source code into OCI images.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!