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Authors: Raymond de Jong, Anna Kapuścińska

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the challenges of observability and security in distributed systems and how psyllium and Hubble can address these challenges.
  • Psyllium and Hubble can provide observability and security in distributed systems
  • Existing mechanisms such as traditional monitoring devices and VPC logs fall short in providing context and scalability
  • Psyllium uses identity-based observability and security based on labels to secure and monitor traffic
  • Hubble provides a surface mesh solution for monitoring workflows and exporting flows to other platforms
  • Ready-to-use dashboards are available in Grafana marketplace for monitoring cluster and application performance
Authors: Erwin de Keijzer

Erwin's house has an elevator, you might think it's an apartment, but no, it's a family home with an elevator. Since moving in Erwin has wanted to upgrade the elevator experience. In this talk Erwin explains how he used open source projects like NATS, Grafana, Prometheus, AlertManager and protocol buffers to track elevator performance and add awesome elevator music and floor announcements to an otherwise mundane elevator ride. Erwin will show how he made the system resilient and performant and show some epic dashboards with insights into the elevator performance. This talk will not feature a live demo, Erwin thought about bringing the elevator with him, but it was not accepted by his family.
Authors: Nicole van der Hoeven

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses emergence and its application in load testing. It also explores the concept of generative code and its potential benefits. The speaker emphasizes the importance of diverse and quality input in training AI for emergence.
  • Emergence is the evolution of the whole beyond its parts in unexpected ways
  • Generative code sets the when, not just the what or how
  • Imperative testing is still prevalent, but there is potential for declarative testing
  • To encourage emergence in load testing, define affordances, assign roles, rate tests, and allow imperfect evolution
  • Quality and diverse input is crucial in training AI for emergence
Authors: Josue Abreu

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The speaker discusses the benefits of using the Alert Manager within Grafana and the importance of open source software in the DevOps community.
  • The Alert Manager complements Grafana's data model and allows for grouping, routing, silencing, and time of day restrictions for alerts.
  • Open source software is important for collaboration and giving back to the community.
  • Improvements to the Alert Manager are being made through feedback and discussion within the community.
  • Future plans include improving visibility in the notification pipeline and creating a historical view of alerts.
  • The speaker emphasizes the value of the Alert Manager and encourages involvement in the DevOps community.
Authors: Onno Brouwer, Tomasz Klimek

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Lessons learned from a DevOps transformation in managing a complex platform
  • Quick communication and feedback loop is important in coordinating work between teams
  • Having the right mindset involves gaining and sharing knowledge, and spreading the same approach across teams
  • Visibility through monitoring and alerting is vital for a good operation of platforms, but blind spots can still occur
  • Automation is key in managing a large number of applications and ensuring consistency and predictability
  • Smoke tests, a proactive monitoring of the platform, can spot issues before customers are affected