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Authors: Tiffany Wang, Joaquin Rodriguez

tldr - powered by Generative AI

This tutorial offers an introduction to Kubernetes, GitOps, and Observability for newcomers. The session covers key concepts and practices, as well as offers attendees a way to experience the commands in real-time.
  • Kubernetes is an open-source project for container orchestration that allows you to manage containerized workloads and services.
  • Kubernetes is cloud-native, highly distributed, resilient to infrastructure failure and outages, and enables frequent releases.
  • Kubernetes provides automation and observability, self-healing and horizontal scaling, service discovery and load balancing, and is scalable.
  • The tutorial covers kubectl, K9s, Metrics (Prometheus), Dashboards (Grafana), Logging (Fluent Bit), and GitOps (FluxCD).
  • Attendees will be able to walk through the steps via a browser-based platform.
  • Instructors will lead the topics and help to troubleshoot.