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Authors: Oita Coleman, Jon Stine

Conversational AI is at a crossroads. Adoption of proprietary platforms has slowed significantly; consumer usage has stalled at simple functionality. At the same time, enterprises (across nearly all industries) see a value in conversational AI, not only in the call center, but in business operations and customer insight. What will it take to unlock the value of conversational AI for users? How might a Linux Foundation community make not only a difference for enterprises, but open opportunity for open-source developers? Join the leaders of the Open Voice Network, the LF's voice-centric community, for an open discussion on why, what, and what's next.
Authors: Stephen Augustus

We spend a lot of time talking about building systems and not nearly enough time talking about building the communities that support those systems.Whether you're just getting started in the cloud native community or a long time member, there are countless opportunities to learn, contribute, and collaborate!Join Stephen Augustus, Head of Open Source at Cisco on a journey to better understand the interconnectedness of various foundations within the Linux Foundation umbrella, critical efforts that need your valuable support, and some quick tips on efficiently solution-building across multiple communities.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!
Authors: Bob Callaway, Dan Lorenc

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of supply chain security and how Six Store is working towards simplifying the process of signing and verifying artifacts.
  • Six Store has developed a process for signing and verifying artifacts to ensure supply chain security
  • The process involves creating a signature, verifying the signature, and storing the artifact in a transparency log
  • Six Store is working towards simplifying the process to make it more accessible to developers of all skill levels
  • The company is also working on signing more types of artifacts and working with policy bundles to ensure trust in the supply chain
  • Six Store aims to be the Let's Encrypt for code signing and is working on building robust and audited infrastructure for this purpose