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Authors: Sophia Vargas

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses burnout in open source projects and provides recommendations to reduce it.
  • Burnout is a common problem in open source projects
  • Factors that contribute to burnout include losing patience, being always available, and losing interest
  • To reduce burnout, it is recommended to increase variety, delegate tasks, and provide clear milestones
  • Communication and building relationships are important in reducing burnout
  • Boundaries are vital to maintaining personal health and preventing burnout
Authors: Stephen Augustus

We spend a lot of time talking about building systems and not nearly enough time talking about building the communities that support those systems.Whether you're just getting started in the cloud native community or a long time member, there are countless opportunities to learn, contribute, and collaborate!Join Stephen Augustus, Head of Open Source at Cisco on a journey to better understand the interconnectedness of various foundations within the Linux Foundation umbrella, critical efforts that need your valuable support, and some quick tips on efficiently solution-building across multiple communities.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!
Authors: Sophia Vargas

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Best practices for collecting and sharing data in open source projects
  • Clearly state how data will be used and retained
  • Involve lawyers if there are doubts or concerns
  • Read fine print and understand policies and regulations
  • Design privacy documentation if necessary
  • State sources and define metrics clearly
  • Consider whether personally identifiable information (PII) is necessary
  • Understand accountability structure for data