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Authors: Medya Ghazizadeh

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Investments made in Mini Cube to improve developer velocity and accessibility for non-English speakers
  • Investment in translation framework for Mini Cube to allow for easy addition of languages
  • Development of Trash Party to include users in the issue resolution process
  • Overhaul of Mini Cube website for better public usability
  • Investment in developer velocity through tools such as gopoke, slow jam, and time to case
  • Automated benchmarking of Mini Cube PRs to track performance changes
  • Investment in machine-usable features such as JSON output and event mechanism
  • Expansion of Mini Cube usage to CI and GitHub actions
Authors: Paco Xu, Rohit Anand

This session will provide and update on the latest doings in the kubeadm project. What is the current state of the project and what is coming up next for it. Kubeadm is a subproject of SIG Cluster Lifecycle, one of the largest groups in the Kubernetes project. It is one of the most used tools for creating Kubernetes clusters and is the official node bootstrapper that is included in the Kubernetes release. It is the tool that is used by higher level projects like Minikube, Kubespray, Cluster API, kind and others. Kubeadm is actively maintained by a cross company team dedicated to keep the tool stable and generally available.
Authors: Akihiro Suda, Jan Dubois

It has been very hard to use Mac for developing containerized apps. A typical way is to use Docker for Mac, but it is not FLOSS. Another option is to install Docker and/or Kubernetes into VirtualBox, often via minikube, but it doesn't propagate localhost ports, and VirtualBox also doesn't support the ARM architecture. This session will show how to run containerd and k3s on macOS, using Lima and Rancher Desktop. Lima wraps QEMU in a simple CLI, with neat features for container users, such as filesystem sharing and automatic localhost port forwarding, as well as DNS and proxy propagation for enterprise networks. Rancher Desktop wraps Lima with k3s integration and GUI.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!
Authors: Medya Ghazizadeh, Sharif Elgamal

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Lessons learned from maintaining an open-source project
  • Learning the humans around you is essential to maintain a healthy project
  • Don't take anyone for granted
  • Learning when to say no is important for the project's future
  • Guarding against your own bias is crucial
  • GitHub issues are an excellent source of information for future work and improvements
  • Triage party is a tool that helps to triage issues more effectively using a crowdsourcing technique
  • MiniCube has a diverse testing environment
  • Flaky tests can be measured using a tool called gopog
  • MiniCube bot makes a lot of the PRs for us
Authors: Medya Ghazizadeh

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The importance of understanding and learning from the people involved in maintaining a big project, as well as the need to balance budgets for security, creativity, and order. The speaker also discusses the lessons they learned as a maintainer of MiniKube, including the need to say no to spam contributions, promotion-driven development, and potential security liabilities.
  • Learning from the people involved in maintaining a big project is crucial for success
  • Balancing budgets for security, creativity, and order is essential
  • Lessons learned as a MiniKube maintainer include saying no to spam contributions, promotion-driven development, and potential security liabilities