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Authors: Amit Kalamkar, Vigith Maurice

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of data curation and integration in understanding anomalies in a system. It also highlights the architecture of an operational data platform and the use of a new project called Pneuma for stream processing and analytics.
  • Data curation and integration are crucial in understanding anomalies in a system
  • An out-of-the-box price analytics feature is available for slicing and dicing information
  • Access logs are provided for developers to guide them in debugging
  • The architecture of an operational data platform is discussed, which collects information from multiple layers
  • Pneuma is a new project for stream processing and analytics, which is language agnostic and easy to use
  • The front-end design is based on microservices and auto-instrumentation
  • Streaming AOPS is done by streaming data providers