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Authors: Amit Kalamkar, Vigith Maurice

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of data curation and integration in understanding anomalies in a system. It also highlights the architecture of an operational data platform and the use of a new project called Pneuma for stream processing and analytics.
  • Data curation and integration are crucial in understanding anomalies in a system
  • An out-of-the-box price analytics feature is available for slicing and dicing information
  • Access logs are provided for developers to guide them in debugging
  • The architecture of an operational data platform is discussed, which collects information from multiple layers
  • Pneuma is a new project for stream processing and analytics, which is language agnostic and easy to use
  • The front-end design is based on microservices and auto-instrumentation
  • Streaming AOPS is done by streaming data providers
Authors: Pankaj Sikka, Vinay Gonuguntla

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the implementation of a routing policy using Envoy filters and a lookup service to provide flexibility for multiple use cases.
  • The solution involves using a lookup service to extract the ID to route the chart or throughout the request
  • The routing policy creates an HTTP sidecar outbound filter on the clients
  • The solution provides flexibility for service owners to define the config they want to use and the lookup service to be used
  • The solution was pre-built with the Envoy proxy and the Vasan binary was copied into the image and referenced in the Envoy filter
  • Config Maps in Kubernetes have a limit of 100 MB and may not be able to store binaries larger than that
Authors: Amit Kalamkar, Vigith Maurice

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Intuit's new platform, NewMapRaj, uses AI-based observability to improve change-related incidents and reduce MTTR and MTTD.
  • NewMapRaj is a Kubernetes native data processing and analytics tool used to derive actionable insights for different areas like operational excellence, cost, and security.
  • Intuit's core principle is innovation, and they invest in Argo to make sure their products are always available and issues are resolved quickly.
  • Change-related incidents were causing one-third of Intuit's incidents, and their MTTR was higher due to disjointed deployment and operational experiences.
  • NewMapRaj integrated AI-based observability into Argo CD and rollouts to add a metrics tab, run a multivariant model, and remove humans from the equation.
  • The AI-based observability is computed in real-time and normalized to a human understandable format.
  • NewMapRaj uses a streaming system that does feature engineering and inferencing, and triggers inline training to discover new applications and configurations.
  • The challenges of real-time streaming include boilerplate code and non-standard code, making it difficult to do quick experimentation and extension.
Authors: Anusha Ragunathan, Kevin Downey

As Intuit’s platform engineering team, we support our 5000+ developers to build great Fin-Tech products. We strive to enhance our Developer Experience by accelerating their velocity and self-serve maturity, while abstracting away the complexities of the underlying Kubernetes platform. But, with so many CNCF Application Definition solutions and projects available, we were faced with the “Paradox of Choice”! Choosing the right toolset for our application abstraction was challenging, as the toolset had to satisfy our wide array of use cases as well as fit our existing toolchain. Come hear us talk about how we evaluated some of the powerful open source projects in this space, including but not limited to client-side solutions (Kustomize and Helm) and server-side solutions (KubeVela and Crossplane). We will talk about our proof of concept across these projects that helped us make data driven decisions, our deciding factors and our competitive analysis of these projects. We will finish off with a demo of the winning toolset, showcasing a simple yet powerful application definition for our developers.
Authors: Henrik Blixt, Yasen Simeonov

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Intuit is using GitOps and Service Mesh to automate progressive delivery and improve anomaly detection in their infrastructure.
  • Intuit faced challenges with seasonal service performance and traffic patterns when implementing progressive delivery.
  • They are using Argo Rollouts in combination with Envoy and Service Mesh to provide automatic and declarative progressive delivery.
  • Intuit is working on improving anomaly detection and observability using AI/ML-driven analysis.
  • They are also exploring header-based routing for more intelligent canaries.
  • Intuit's use of Service Mesh is driven by their zero-trust infrastructure and need for advanced traffic management.