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Authors: Pankaj Sikka, Vinay Gonuguntla

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the implementation of a routing policy using Envoy filters and a lookup service to provide flexibility for multiple use cases.
  • The solution involves using a lookup service to extract the ID to route the chart or throughout the request
  • The routing policy creates an HTTP sidecar outbound filter on the clients
  • The solution provides flexibility for service owners to define the config they want to use and the lookup service to be used
  • The solution was pre-built with the Envoy proxy and the Vasan binary was copied into the image and referenced in the Envoy filter
  • Config Maps in Kubernetes have a limit of 100 MB and may not be able to store binaries larger than that
Authors: Deepthi Sigireddi, Manan Gupta

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the engineering approach taken by Vitess to solve the consensus problem in a high QPS environment while prioritizing performance over theoretical correctness.
  • Vitess is a single leader system that relies on a topology server for persistent state and recovery
  • The system prioritizes performance over theoretical correctness
  • Durability policy is defined as avoiding data loss and is configurable based on trade-offs between durability and availability
  • Leader election has three stages: revocation, choosing a new leader, and propagation
  • Planned and unplanned leader elections have different revocation processes
Conference:  CloudOpen 2022
Authors: Ying Xiong, Ying Huang

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The Centaurus project aims to build a cloud infrastructure platform for managing large-scale computer nodes through Kubernetes API. The project addresses challenges in managing clusters with over 10,000 computer nodes and provisioning over 5,000 VMs within minutes. The project also aims to unify platforms for managing VMs, containers, and serverless applications, and to provide a multi-tenant Kubernetes with isolation for customers. The project is driven by customer requests for deploying hybrid applications with a single API and for managing AI training on both cloud and edge nodes.
  • The Centaurus project aims to manage large-scale computer nodes through Kubernetes API
  • The project addresses challenges in managing clusters with over 10,000 computer nodes and provisioning over 5,000 VMs within minutes
  • The project aims to unify platforms for managing VMs, containers, and serverless applications
  • The project aims to provide a multi-tenant Kubernetes with isolation for customers
  • The project is driven by customer requests for deploying hybrid applications with a single API and for managing AI training on both cloud and edge nodes