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Authors: Brandon Smith, Howard Hao

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the challenges of bringing legacy applications into the modern cloud while reducing costs and the importance of effectively tuning and monitoring Windows containers for optimal performance.
  • Legacy applications need to be brought into the modern cloud to reduce costs and improve business value
  • Windows containers are more efficient than traditional Windows Server VMS
  • Effective tuning and monitoring of Windows containers is essential for optimal performance
  • Performance analysis should be easily accessible and updated guidance should be provided
  • Collaboration between businesses and Microsoft can help improve Windows performance
Authors: Ameer Abbas, Steve McGhee

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of starting with archetypes when building resilient platforms and services, and the trade-offs between reliability and effort.
  • Archetypes provide known good starting points for building resilient platforms and services
  • Applications have multiple services and microservices should be used to degrade gracefully
  • Resilient teams are necessary to build robust platforms that can handle risks
  • There are trade-offs between reliability and effort, and exponential curves show the increasing effort required for higher levels of reliability
Authors: Kerim Satirli, Julie Gunderson

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) treats reliability as a software problem, but it really is an organizational problem that requires a different mindset. When the reliability of our service drops, so does our ability to create value for the organization we represent. In this talk, Julie and Kerim will take the audience on a guided journey, starting with how to determine if and how workloads are misbehaving and ending with practical approaches to improve reliability. Through simulated outages (of all types!), observability, and analysis, Julie and Kerim will show attendees how to catch and prepare for service disruptions. Going beyond deployments, attendees will also learn how to combine OpenTelemetry and OpenTracing to instill reliability into their systems.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!