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Authors: Brandon Lum, Chris Phillips

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of generating software bill of materials (S-BOM) and the challenges in ensuring its security against malicious actors. The speakers suggest using metadata and attestation formats to address these challenges.
  • Generating S-BOM is important for software security and transparency
  • Scanning and pre-populating are two ways to generate S-BOM
  • Scanning has limitations in detecting malicious actors
  • Metadata and attestation formats can address security challenges
  • Composability is important in combining S-BOM from different ecosystems
Conference:  CloudOpen 2022
Authors: Ran Regenstreif

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The talk focuses on utilizing open source security tools to reduce threats and risks in cloud systems, environments, and products. The speaker emphasizes the importance of a programmatic approach to security and shifting left.
  • Shift left movement empowers developers with security tools and processes
  • Open source security tools are important in minimizing risks
  • A broader set of risks should be considered when selecting tools
  • Utilizing a toolkit and tool belt can help minimize risks
  • Programmatic approach to security is crucial