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Authors: Itay Shakury, Toddy Mladenov

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The presentation discusses the challenges and solutions in managing vulnerabilities as software bills of materials (SBOMs) in the context of DevOps and cybersecurity.
  • The new OCI changes make it easier to manage images and vulnerabilities as SBOMs.
  • However, there are challenges in standardizing artifact types and annotations.
  • Getting the right artifact is difficult and requires manual and automated steps.
  • The specifications for SBOMs are not always accurate and require additional information to make vulnerability reports more accurate.
Authors: Yuji Watanabe, Hirokuni Kitahara

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The talk discusses the issue of supply chain controls in CD GitOps automation and proposes a solution to ensure integrity and tamper-proof deployments.
  • CD GitOps lacks supply chain controls needed for integrity and tamper-proof deployments
  • Properly instrumented CD GitOps process can provide verification of source assets with cluster enforcement of signatures and policy permissions
  • Keyless signing via Sigstore and intersecting control points throughout GitOps can obtain accurate cryptographic signing of source assets and transparency of configuration provenance
  • Admission controller such as Integrity Shield can validate pipeline integrity
Authors: Henrik Blixt, Michael Crenshaw

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The presentation discusses the security measures taken by Argo CD, an open-source continuous delivery tool, to address vulnerabilities and improve supply chain security.
  • Argo CD has implemented security measures to address vulnerabilities and improve supply chain security
  • The measures include introducing security advisory drafts, having regular meetings with a special interest group, and improving logging to monitor for potential issues
  • Argo CD has also tightened up supply chain security by introducing S-bombs to all components and using cryptographically secure random number generators
Authors: Brandon Lum, Chris Phillips

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of generating software bill of materials (S-BOM) and the challenges in ensuring its security against malicious actors. The speakers suggest using metadata and attestation formats to address these challenges.
  • Generating S-BOM is important for software security and transparency
  • Scanning and pre-populating are two ways to generate S-BOM
  • Scanning has limitations in detecting malicious actors
  • Metadata and attestation formats can address security challenges
  • Composability is important in combining S-BOM from different ecosystems
Authors: Tracy Ragan

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The presentation discusses the importance of software supply chain security in a microservices world and how Artillios.io is addressing the issue through the use of S-bombs and CVE data.
  • Artillios.io is addressing the issue of software supply chain security in a microservices world
  • S-bombs and CVE data are important in tracking vulnerabilities and dependencies
  • Artillios.io aggregates S-bombs and CVE data to provide a comprehensive view of an application's components and their vulnerabilities
  • The use of S-bombs and CVE data saves time and resources in tracking vulnerabilities and redundancies
  • The presentation suggests the need for better management of code in an assembly line and the potential for autonomous coding in the future
Conference:  ContainerCon 2022
Authors: Brandon Mitchell

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the benefits of using OCI-compliant images in DevOps and cybersecurity practices.
  • OCI-compliant images offer more portability and plug-and-play capabilities in the DevOps ecosystem
  • The end goal is to have a more efficient, modular, and secure system
  • OCI is a good packaging format for shipping and storing data, but not for querying vulnerabilities
  • Annotations and attestations are important metadata for auditing and security purposes
  • Image signing should include the final name of the repository