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Authors: Janet Kuo, Maciej Szulik, Kenneth Owens

SIG Apps is the special interest group covering deploying and operating applications in Kubernetes with a focus on the application developer and application operator experience. In this session the SIG Apps leads will provide an overview of what we’ve accomplished over the past year, including API promotions, controller improvements, subprojects status etc. They will also share the work that is being planned for the upcoming releases. The session will conclude with an open discussion and Q&A.
Authors: Janet Kuo, Maciej Szulik, Kenneth Owens

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the expectations and structure of a group mentoring program for Kubernetes contributors.
  • The group mentoring program is aimed at helping mentees become reviewers and climb up the contribution ladder.
  • Mentors are expected to provide resources and guidance, but not to teach.
  • The program will have a bi-weekly meeting and mentors are expected to assign themselves sub-project topics to review.
  • The focus will be on the controllers subdirectory in the Kubernetes repository.
  • The program will last for three months.
  • Mentors are encouraged to seek help if they feel burdened.
Authors: Janet Kuo, Maciej Szulik

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The text discusses the expectations and structure of a group mentoring program for Kubernetes contributors.
  • The mentoring program is aimed at helping mentees become reviewers and climb up the contribution ladder.
  • The program will focus on the controllers subdirectory in the Kubernetes repository.
  • Mentors are expected to assign themselves subproject topics and participate in review queues.
  • The program will have a biweekly meeting and mentors are expected to provide resources and guidance to mentees.
  • The program will last for three months and there is no guarantee of landing in a bonus file.
  • Mentors are encouraged to seek help if they feel burdened.
Authors: Janet Kuo, Maciej Szulik, Kenneth Owens

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The discussion topic is about internal tools that have been built and are not yet known. The speaker also talks about the challenges of testing CI/CD pipelines locally on machines.
  • The speaker discusses the topic of internal tools that have been built but are not yet known
  • The challenges of testing CI/CD pipelines locally on machines are discussed
  • There is confusion about the Argo family of products, which includes Argo workflows and Argo CD