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Authors: Stephen Kitt, Rob Scott, Laura Lorenz, Mike Morris

Gateway API and the MCS API are two pieces of your multicluster traffic management puzzle: Gateway API provides advanced routing capabilities and the MCS API provides cross cluster service discovery. These two Kubernetes native APIs are sponsored by SIG-Network and SIG-Multicluster, respectively. How can these two APIs work together? How have they evolved, separately and as part of a larger upstream initiative to make the multicluster experience feel native? Both APIs are CRD-based, and each SIG focused on standards over details, leaving implementers plenty of room; so how have users dealt with the challenges to discover, install, and maintain synergistic controllers? Finally, where do they fit with the larger ecosystem of service discovery solutions, including service meshes and vendor specific tooling? Another project, the GAMMA initiative, sits smack between all of these, seeking to unify the east-west traffic management puzzle along one coherent, standards-driven direction. Answering these questions and more, join us for a panel style discussion with representatives from the Gateway API project, MCS API project, and GAMMA initiative. Our panelists will speak from their experience both developing the upstream standard and actually implementing the APIs with different vendors.
Authors: Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson, Laura Lorenz, Paul Morie

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation showcases the AWS cloud map MCS controller for Kubernetes and its integration with the about API and MCS API. The speaker emphasizes the importance of community input and invites participation in bi-weekly meetings.
  • The AWS cloud map MCS controller for Kubernetes is demonstrated in a demo using two EKS clusters.
  • Both clusters have the about API CRD and MCS API installed.
  • Service exports and imports are created to showcase the integration with the about API and MCS API.
  • The speaker highlights the importance of community input and invites participation in bi-weekly meetings.
Authors: Stephen Kitt, Laura Lorenz

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the Multi-Cluster Service API (MCS API) and its implementation in Submariner, a tool for connecting Kubernetes clusters across different networks and clouds.
  • The MCS API is a standardized way of managing services across multiple Kubernetes clusters.
  • Submariner is a tool that implements the MCS API and allows for easy connectivity between clusters.
  • The presentation demonstrates how to set up a headless service in Submariner and access it from a different cluster.
  • Other community projects, such as Istio and SIG Network's Gateway API, are also implementing parts of the MCS API.
  • The audience is invited to try out Submariner and get involved in the development of the MCS API and other multi-cluster projects.
Authors: Jeremy Olmsted-Thompson, Laura Lorenz, Paul Morie

tldr - powered by Generative AI

SIG-Multicluster is focused on solving common challenges related to the management of many Kubernetes clusters, across multiple cloud providers and applications deployed across many clusters. The SIG is working to identify the best, most durable primitives that will help achieve all these multi-cluster use cases.
  • SIG-Multicluster is focused on solving common challenges related to the management of many Kubernetes clusters
  • The SIG is working to identify the best, most durable primitives that will help achieve all these multi-cluster use cases
  • The cluster set represents a pattern of use from the field
  • The SIG is collaborating with many other SIGs
  • The SIG is seeking input from users to expand the multi-cluster Kubernetes landscape