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Authors: Joab Jackson, Alex Williams, Om Moolchandani, Vineeth Rajagopal, Brendan O’Leary, Emily Omier, Cindy Blake

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The importance of shifting security left in the software supply chain and the role of security professionals in enabling developers to write secure code.
  • Policy is code and security professionals or tools can help developers integrate security into their workflows
  • Understanding the configuration of the whole infrastructure as code is becoming more important
  • The network also applies to the software supply chain and needs to be looked at differently
  • Transparency and clear communication between app developers and security professionals is crucial
  • The role of security professionals is changing to be more strategic and consultative
  • Developers do not need to become security experts but may need to upskill
  • Automated tools like Acurix can help developers write secure code without needing to understand the full background of security