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Authors: Jorge Lainfiesta

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Managing change in the open source community
  • Engage with the community to gather insights and contribute back to the framework
  • Write a pitch that includes the expected efforts and success stories, but also the need for money
  • Be prepared for change in the industry, including new vendors and changing narratives
  • Manage change by shopping for alternatives, tackling claims, updating the narrative, and exploring partnerships
Authors: Shatarupa Nandi

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses how a platform operations team was able to manage over 30 clusters and several applications in production in a highly regulated environment using the Carvel tool chain by adopting the GitOps mindset.
  • The team faced challenges with complex deployment topologies and managing fine-grained access for development teams
  • They adopted the GitOps mindset by keeping configuration in a central git repository, relying on Carvel's package manager cap controller to create clusters, and using continuous reconciliation to prevent configuration drift
  • They bundled their applications configuration, Kubernetes manifests, and dependencies in a single immutable OCI artifact using a Carvel tool called image package
  • They used Carvel's yaml wrangling tool ytt to write overlays for third-party software
  • The platform operations team was able to enable the development team to provision new clusters with common software in a matter of minutes and keep these clusters upgraded
Authors: Michael Gasch, Steve Wong

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of VMware Event Broker Appliance (VEBA) to automate and streamline event-driven operations in a vSphere environment.
  • VEBA allows for the creation of custom event-driven workflows using serverless functions.
  • VEBA can be used to automate tasks such as sending notifications, creating tickets, and executing scripts.
  • VEBA can be integrated with other tools such as Slack and Grafana.
  • VEBA can handle large volumes of events and can be scaled to meet the needs of larger environments.
  • VEBA can be used to correlate events from multiple layers of vSphere.
  • VEBA can be used to build complex pipelines using stateful processing.
Authors: Ben Hale

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The talk focuses on the core values of a great developer experience on Kubernetes based on the speaker's multi-decade career building application development tools and working with one of today’s most thriving open source developer communities, Spring. The speaker emphasizes the need for PlatformOps teams to build, run, and manage platforms that lead with developer experience.
  • Reduce complexity without sacrificing flexibility
  • Shift outcomes left without shifting the burden left
  • Ensure consistency and security without giving up agility