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Authors: Ayrat Khayretdinov, Sebastien Prune Thomas

You just started a new gig ? You switched laptop ? or you're new to using Kubernetes ?From the new users of Kubernetes to the most experienced gurus, we all spend a large amount of time on the terminal* (shell).This talk will focus on setting up your laptop and terminal, installing all the cool tools to get you productive fast with Kubernetes. It is intended for all levels of experience.By mixing a presentation of the tooling and demos, you'll quickly see how some little tuning can increase your productivity by a large amount.During this talk you'll learn (not limited to):- setup your shell to connect to a Cloud K8s service- add shortcuts to type less when using kubectl- get a clean access to cluster's logs- add colors to your kubectl outputs- install and use a local k8s cluster for prototyping- work with Containers without Docker-For-Desktop- get to know a lot of small tools to ease the pain of maintaining a cluster, playing with yaml and moreThis talk also gives access to a companion tutorial with all the commands that you can play on your laptop, during the talk or at home. Bring your laptop and start being more productive right now !Join us in this adventure and impress your co-workers on your first day at work !WARNING !If you want to follow the talk and replicate on your own laptop, you will need a Kubernetes cluster.it is advised to pre-install some tools so we don't burn down the WIFI of the whole conference: either Docker Desktop, Podman and KindFor Mac OS X:brew install podmanbrew install kindpodman machine init --cpus=2 --memory=4096 --disk-size=200 --nowkind create cluster dev
Authors: Ayse Kaya

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Containers present both opportunities and risks to developers, with a vast and complex world that requires balancing between developer experience and production readiness. The industry needs to improve software supply chain practices and address the challenges of container optimization and security.
  • 60% of top publicly available containers have more vulnerabilities than a year ago
  • 70% of customers demand containers with zero vulnerabilities
  • 88% of developers find it challenging to remove vulnerabilities due to complexity and numerous components with dependencies
  • Developers are increasingly interested in Kubernetes and container adoption
  • There is a mismatch between executives and front-line engineers in understanding container hardening
  • Automation and intelligent optimization can help solve container optimization and security challenges
Authors: Ben Hale

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The talk focuses on the core values of a great developer experience on Kubernetes based on the speaker's multi-decade career building application development tools and working with one of today’s most thriving open source developer communities, Spring. The speaker emphasizes the need for PlatformOps teams to build, run, and manage platforms that lead with developer experience.
  • Reduce complexity without sacrificing flexibility
  • Shift outcomes left without shifting the burden left
  • Ensure consistency and security without giving up agility
Authors: Mayank Kumar

A small thought experiment in automating the day to day life of a Salesforce engineer became a platform for productivity that was built on top of controller-runtime, CRD’s, kubernetes, kubebuilder and a CLI. Adopting the KRM, made it really easy for them to model their service lifecycle and expose a simplified abstraction that allowed service owners at Salesforce to skip daily mundane tasks and focus on their business logic. In this talk, they will show you how easy it is to use the kubernetes control plane to create control loops that can automate the SDLC of your company . They will also show you how to build an extensible PaaS platform on top of Kubernetes and your company's existing processes that does not constraint the users, but allows the service owners to see through the abstraction. You will not only leave the talk with an even greater appreciation for the KRM model and for the strength of kubernetes apis but also with a recipe for automating the SDLC of YOUR company.