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Authors: Lachie Evenson

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of pod security in Kubernetes clusters and how it can be used to improve the security of workloads. It also covers the migration from pod security policy to pod security.
  • Pod security is a built-in admission controller in Kubernetes that evaluates pod specifications against a predefined set of pod security standards.
  • It provides policy standards to restrict pod privileges, reducing the surface area of attacks and making the cluster more secure.
  • Pod security is simple and easy to use, with pre-defined standards that align with Kubernetes security best practices.
  • Pod security policy, which is being deprecated, can be migrated to pod security using a well-defined process.
  • Pod security does not support mutation, which is the ability to change Kubernetes resources server-side.
Authors: Ricardo Aravena

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Overview of various Kubernetes-related projects and their use cases
  • Projects include Volcano, K3s, Confidential Computing, Crosslit, Cuver, Vorteil, Box, Rootless Containers, and Trial
  • Use cases range from managing Kubernetes clusters at the edge to auto-scaling based on events to creating custom operating systems for specific workloads
  • Volcano is for scheduling resource-intensive workloads, K3s is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution for the edge, and Confidential Computing provides encryption and security for running workloads without revealing information to cloud providers
  • Cuver allows for managing virtual machines with Kubernetes, Crosslit enables running web assembly modules with Kubernetes, and Vorteil creates custom operating systems for specific workloads
  • Box is a Docker container that acts like a VM, Rootless Containers allows running containers as root users without compromising the host, and Trial is a container registry with a focus on high performance and P2P distribution