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Authors: Irvin Lim, Hailin Xiang

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the implementation of a colocation system for Kubernetes and YARN workloads, as well as the importance of risk classification and release automation in software development. The presentation also emphasizes the need for comprehensive observability through capturing low and high-level metrics and using co-location cost to evaluate the effectiveness of the project.
  • Implemented a colocation system for Kubernetes and YARN workloads
  • Importance of risk classification and release automation in software development
  • Comprehensive observability through capturing low and high-level metrics
  • Use of co-location cost to evaluate the effectiveness of the project
Authors: Mark Swarbrick

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Implementing Linkerd as a service mesh improved application resilience and reliability in a cloud hosting platform
  • Cloud hosting platforms have transient network failures and require TLS encryption for every microservice
  • Implementing application retry logic and MTLS through Linkerd improved reliability and resilience
  • Linkerd as a service mesh provided a perfect place to develop internal SLOs, dashboarding, and alerting
  • Buoyant Cloud subscription provided even better dashboard stats
Authors: Dan Garfield, Christian Hernandez, Cornelia Davis, Chris Sanders, Leonardo Murillo

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the concept of GitOps and its importance in software development. It emphasizes the need for a clear process and chain of custody in delivering software, and how GitOps can provide this.
  • Automation doesn't have to be scary and can be secure
  • GitOps provides a clear process and chain of custody in delivering software
  • GitOps allows for multiple sources of truth and can be used to establish best practices
  • There are still some issues left up for discussion, such as secret management