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Authors: Bill Ren

Cloud native has shifted from just a concept to real-world practices that power digital transformation. However, new tech brings in both changes and challenges. Fast iteration, data governance, AI-powered industrial production, global services with first-class user experience, etc. All these are the concerns to take care of.As one of the earliest cloud native adopters and contributors, we have been pushing the boundaries of cloud native and sharing our innovations with the community through open source. We also created and donated several CNCF projects to solve real-world problems and improve our productivity and efficiency. We will show some use cases to demonstrate how these projects empower us to create new value from cloud computing.Join us in this talk to learn more about our cloud native journey and vision. Let’s uplift productivity with openness and innovation together.
Authors: Kate Mulhall, Emma Collins

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the need for data center energy efficiency to combat the climate crisis and reduce carbon footprint. It highlights the impact of increasing data volumes and the need for better resource utilization through innovations and tooling for observability, orchestration, and management. The presentation also emphasizes the role of open-source contributors in promoting sustainability and introduces the CNCf Environmental Sustainability Working Group and Intel's initiatives in this space.
  • Data center energy efficiency is crucial to combat the climate crisis and reduce carbon footprint
  • Increasing data volumes require better resource utilization through innovations and tooling for observability, orchestration, and management
  • Open-source contributors can promote sustainability in everything they do
  • The CNCf Environmental Sustainability Working Group fosters an ecosystem of environmental sustainability projects, users, and maintainers
  • Intel is leading and driving activities in this space and has initiatives to increase efficiency and reach net-zero emissions
Authors: Erez Yalon

Abstract:We are living in the future. Actually, we have been living in the future for some time now. Unfortunately, progress is not equally divided between the different facets of technology. An area that has always suffered a delayed reaction is security, and more specifically security testing. When it comes to innovation and digital transformation, we are charging forward at full speed, but failing to adapt testing practices to evolve with the times and technologies. We are quickly, and often blindly, embracing the bleeding edge of technology, but every tech adoption comes with the overhead of a new set of tests (and their respective vendors of course). We are aggressively shifting left to the point where our testing results are not actionable, and sometimes not even clear. In this talk, we will discuss the ‘opportunities’ future-fueled applications present to adversaries, the challenges security teams encounter with modern architectures, and the vision we should consider when testing and securing these applications to take a more proactive defense approach across the industry.