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Conference:  Defcon 31
Authors: Dr. Bramwell Brizendine Assistant Professor at University of Alabama in Huntsville, Jake Hince, Max 'Libra' Kersten

Shellcode is omnipresent, seen or unseen. Yet tooling to analyze shellcode is lacking. We present the cutting-edge SHAREM framework to analyze enigmatic shellcode. SHAREM can emulate shellcode, identifying 20,000 WinAPI functions and 99% of Windows syscalls. In some shellcode, some APIs may never be reached, due to the wrong environment, but SHAREM has a new solution: Complete code coverage preserves the CPU register context and memory at each change in control flow. Once the shellcode ends, it restarts, restoring memory and context, ensuring all functionality is reached and identifying all APIs. Encoded shellcode may be puzzling at times. SHAREM is a game-changer, as it presents emulated shellcode in its decoded form in a disassembler. IDA Pro and Ghidra can produce disassembly of shellcode that is of poor quality. However, SHAREM uniquely can ingest emulation data, resulting in virtually flawless disassembly. While SHAREM has its own custom disassembler, we are also releasing a Ghidra plugin, so SHAREM's enhanced disassembly can enhance what is in GHidra. Only SHAREM identifies APIs in disassembly, and this also can be brought to Ghidra. We will also see how SHAREM can be used by aspiring shellcode authors to enhance their own work, and we will examine advanced shellcode specimens in SHAREM. | Dr. Bramwell Brizendine completed his Ph.D. in Cyber Operations, for which he did his dissertation on Jump-Oriented Programming, a hitherto seldom-studied and poorly understood subset of code-reuse attacks.
Authors: Spyros Gasteratos

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation introduces a free and open source Application Security Toolchain Framework that unifies multiple security tools and allows for per-team configuration, conditional tool execution, and automated reporting. The framework is low to no code, platform-agnostic, and community-driven.
  • Automated security testing has brought an abundance of signal about codebases and infrastructure without much manual effort, but managing findings and triaging false positives is time-consuming and results in hiring more security experts.
  • The Application Security Toolchain Framework unifies multiple security tools and allows for per-team configuration, conditional tool execution, and automated reporting to different sinks based on code ownership.
  • The framework is low to no code, platform-agnostic, and community-driven, with integrations for several scanners both under the OWASP umbrella and not.
  • The framework allows for scheduling tool execution against both code and infrastructure, aggregating results from different tools, enriching them using several processors, and consuming them with a multitude of visualization platforms.
  • The framework is demonstrated through a tool called Dracon, which unifies security tool execution and results management.
  • The community-driven aspect of the framework allows for integration with a wide range of security tools and provides an idea of which tools are more popular based on their integrations.
Authors: Chris Koehnecke

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The presentation discusses the OWASP DevSecOps Maturity Model and how to practically apply security controls using open source tools for each requirement.
  • The OWASP DevSecOps Maturity Model provides a framework for companies to apply security in a cloud-native and fast-paced engineering world.
  • Whatever isn't automated is much more difficult to practically apply to systems.
  • Open source security tools have evolved and provide good coverage for many of the layers of the DSOMM model.
  • The presentation walks through the different security requirements in the DSOMM framework and does live code demos for each.
  • Prioritization of security issues can be done per each pull request.
  • The speaker shares their experience with implementing security processes in a startup environment.
  • Developers owning security is seen as the future of the security industry.
Authors: Alolita Sharma

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Building prometheus interoperability support in open telemetry is essential for collecting and processing metrics data for observability in the Kubernetes environment.
  • Open source projects face challenges with limited resources and require effective collaboration among contributors
  • Effective work groups, regular communication, and project management are essential for successful collaboration
  • Open telemetry provides the ability to collect and process metrics data for observability in the Kubernetes environment
  • Prometheus is an open source framework for alerting, data storage, and processing and monitoring metrics data
  • Open telemetry is committed to having full support for prometheus and needed to support prometheus protocol compatibility
  • Supporting prometheus data types and enhancing service discovery and scraped configuration support were necessary for successful prometheus interoperability support in open telemetry
Conference:  Transform X 2021
Authors: Soumith Chintala

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the journey of PyTorch, an open-source machine learning framework, and how the team focused on a specific market to excel and scaled their efforts while taking deliberate risks and measuring their progress.
  • PyTorch focused on the ML researcher market and aimed to provide flexibility and debuggability in their framework
  • The team took deliberate risks and made a bet on the future of the ML researcher market
  • Measurement and metrics were important for PyTorch to track their progress and iterate on their product
  • Scaling efforts required prioritizing and figuring out whether to vertically integrate or modularize the project