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Authors: Viktor Farcic, Chenyu Jiang

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the benefits of using Kubernetes clusters for managing applications and services at scale, and enabling anyone within an organization to leverage the system without deep knowledge of Kubernetes or cloud infrastructure.
  • Creating and managing Kubernetes clusters at scale
  • Enabling anyone within an organization to use the system without deep knowledge of Kubernetes or cloud infrastructure
  • Managing applications and services in different providers
  • Using custom resource definitions and controllers to create and manage services
  • Leveraging cloud-native deployment for game servers
  • Using open source tools like OAM and Kubewell for efficient management
Authors: Jan Seredynski

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of application integrity in cybersecurity and the potential risks of not implementing it. It also provides some do-it-yourself tips for developers to ensure application integrity.
  • Application integrity is about verifying that the user is running on the original version of the app and that no resources have been changed.
  • Without application integrity, apps can be redistributed for free with built-in cheats or modified assets.
  • Developers can implement application integrity by checking for bundle ID, verifying the signature of the app, and checking for a debuggable state.
  • Clean code and obfuscation can also help prevent IP theft and make it harder for attackers to understand the code.