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Authors: Zahra Tarkhani

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the challenges of secure partitioning and sharing hardware resources within complex system layers of heterogeneous SoC architectures and proposes a hardware-assisted dynamic partitioning framework for Linux- and TEE-based architectures.
  • Heterogeneous SoC architectures are becoming more popular for complex IoT and edge devices
  • Multiple CPUs and peripherals require secure partitioning and sharing of hardware resources
  • Static hardware partitioning at boot time cannot satisfy most use cases' security, performance, or compatibility requirements
  • Hardware-assisted dynamic partitioning framework is proposed for Linux- and TEE-based architectures
  • Framework modifies the Linux kernel, trusted firmware, and TEE kernel to achieve fine-grained privilege separation
  • Hardware features such as mdac, pack, and mrcs enable hierarchical access control policies for logical separation of secure world from normal world
  • Multiple trusted execution environments and enclaves can be combined to provide strong security features for different use cases