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Authors: Lisa-Marie Namphy, Kim McMahon, Bart Farrell, Sharone Zitzman

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Panelists discuss community building and metrics at a conference presentation
  • Establishing goals and metrics is important for community building
  • Qualitative analysis is important in addition to quantitative analysis
  • User zero and design partners zero are important for testing new features
  • Community building takes a lot of work and can lead to burnout
  • Building relationships with community members is important for building champions and ambassador programs
Authors: Rich Burroughs, Bart Farrell, Farrah Campbell, Heba elAyoty

The cloud-native has a welcoming, diverse and inclusive community. However, are we as a community aware and inclusive of neurodivergent people? Are we neurodiverse? Is our documentation, talks, processes, conferences, applications, interactions and resources in line and aware of neurodivergent needs as it is for the neurotypical? How can we recognize and support our neurodivergent people? What efforts, approaches, and awareness programs are accomplished by the cncf or the community to accommodate and extend such inclusivity and strengthen our neurodiversity? What community data do we have on mental disorders among us, our developers, advocates, and the rest of the community? Join us, neurodivergent people answering the above questions and sharing our experiences, journeys, concerns, and insights reflecting on the CNCF community ecosystem and how it can benefit from being more neurodiverse. Presenting tips and tricks on how ADHD might be recognized as early as possible for you, a member of your family or the community? Our contribution is how to continue the self-care journey and extend inclusivity to mental health disorders, starting with ADHD. Hopefully, this will encourage more, including specialists and professionals, to come forward and help.
Authors: Jen Madriaga, Karsten Wade

Over the years the Open Source ecosystem has evolved community values and practices. The Kubernetes community centers kindness and inclusivity, practicing accessibility as a way of building a diverse community. While the K8s community has brought attention and change in the ecosystem, neither the values nor the practices originated there. K8s-flavored, yes, but also similar to other communities such as OpenInfra, Drupal, and the Linux distributions. In this one-act play with two practitioners, Jen breaks down successful community caretaking and stewardship through the way we run events such as KubeCon, and Karsten offers a live diff, comparing and contrasting the Jen's experience with his own and what is gathered in the Open Source Way guidebook for community management practices. Embracing storytelling, two very different literary nerds provide an overview of how community management works in the Open Source world, and an understanding of the differences and similarities to a broader, extrapolated view from a diverse community of practice.
Authors: Dawn Foster

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses metrics and best practices for maintaining healthy open source projects, with a focus on interpreting data and adjusting strategies based on project needs.
  • The CNCF Contributor Strategy Tag has governance and contributor growth working groups that provide guidance for maintaining healthy open source projects.
  • The TO DO group has guides for creating and managing healthy open source projects.
  • The Chaos Metrics Community has defined metrics and tools for understanding and improving project health.
  • Interpretation is key when evaluating project health, as each project is unique and metrics should be adjusted based on project needs.
  • Metrics for responsiveness can include time to first response and time to close issues and pull requests.
  • Interpreting responsiveness metrics requires considering external factors such as conferences and holidays.
  • Adjusting contributor recruitment and mentorship strategies can improve responsiveness metrics.
  • Tracking and interpreting metrics over time can help identify areas for improvement and ensure project health.