
Intro + DeepDive: SIG Scalability


Authors:   Wojciech Tyczyński, Marcel Zięba


The presentation discusses the efforts of SIG Scalability in defining and improving scalability in Kubernetes, as well as monitoring and guarding against performance regressions.
  • SIG Scalability is focused on defining what scalability means for Kubernetes and executing towards those goals
  • They work with individual SIGs to ensure improvements are made and contribute to cross-SIG improvements
  • Monitoring and measuring current scalability levels is critical to understanding progress towards goals
  • Guarding against performance regressions is important to maintain scalability
  • Scalability is a job for everyone in the community, not just a small group
Since the early days of Kubernetes, scalability has become an inherent part of every cap, and the community has grown to prioritize scalability in their feature design and implementation.


This session will focus on the different efforts that SIG Scalability is involved in: defining what scalability means for Kubernetes, driving improvements, infrastructure for scalability testing, tests and guarding Kubernetes against performance regressions. Each of those areas will first be described at the high level, followed up with deeper insight into concrete aspects and summarized with most recent achievements and a roadmap for future work. Time for Q&A will be reserved at the end of the session to understand how the SIG can better engage with the community as well as to allow the audience to provide the input about the roadmap.


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