
Intro + Deep Dive: SIG Scalability


Authors:   Wojciech Tyczyński, Marcel Zięba


The presentation discusses the implementation of efficient watch resumption or immutable secrets in Kubernetes to increase reliability and scalability. The speaker also talks about the tools and infrastructure used for scalability testing in Kubernetes.
  • Using immutable secrets can make Kubernetes API more reliable and reduce pressure on API servers
  • Priority and fairness are heavily worked on to increase Kubernetes reliability
  • Cluster loader two is a tool used for scalability testing in Kubernetes
  • Cubemark is a simulation of the cluster used for scalability testing instead of running 5000 nodes
  • Whole nodes and hollow nodes are used in Cubemark to simulate regular nodes without actually running pods
  • Hollow cube proxy is a part of Kubernetes that puts pressure on the API server
Cluster loader two is a recommended tool for scalability testing in Kubernetes. It allows users to specify states and transitions between those states to test for scalability. Running 5000 nodes every day for testing is expensive, so Cubemark is used as a simulation of the cluster instead. Whole nodes and hollow nodes are used in Cubemark to simulate regular nodes without actually running pods. This allows for better observability and testing for scalability regressions.


This session will focus on the different efforts that SIG Scalability is involved in: defining what scalability means for Kubernetes, driving performance improvements, maintaining infrastructure for scalability testing, guarding Kubernetes against performance regressions. Time for Q&A will be reserved at the end of the session to understand how the SIG can better engage with the community as well as to allow the audience to provide the input about the roadmap.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!


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