
Intro + Deep Dive: SIG Scalability


Authors:   Marcel Zięba


The presentation discusses the importance of scalability and reliability in Kubernetes and how to improve it.
  • Using immutable secrets can make Kubernetes API more reliable
  • Priority and fairness can increase the reliability of Kubernetes
  • Efficiently designed controllers with CRDs are not a problem
  • Node-oriented controllers can cause scalability issues
  • Redesigning individual components should be a last resort
  • Deprecating features should be avoided to prevent breaking users
  • Introducing more efficient ways of doing things can steer people towards more scalable regressions
  • Load testing can be helpful for component maintainers
The presenter shared an anecdote about diagnosing a pod latency issue caused by a change that doubled the number of goroutines. The issue was not immediately spotted because the SLO was fine, but using the perv dash, they were able to see the changes over time and identify the root cause.


This session will focus on the different efforts that SIG Scalability is involved in: defining what scalability means for Kubernetes, driving performance improvements, maintaining infrastructure for scalability testing, guarding Kubernetes against performance regressions. Time for Q&A will be reserved at the end of the session to understand how the SIG can better engage with the community as well as to allow the audience to provide the input about the roadmap.


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