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Authors: Yin Ding, Zefeng (Kevin) Wang

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the results of a stability test for the Kubernetes-based KubeEdge project, which aims to support edge computing. The test shows that KubeEdge can support 100 nodes and manage one million deployed pods.
  • KubeEdge is a Kubernetes-based project for edge computing
  • The stability test shows that KubeEdge can support 100 nodes and manage one million deployed pods
  • The test results show impressive latency performance for both mutating and read-only API calls
  • The presentation mentions plans to improve security and device mappers, as well as support for cross-submarine communications and edge clusters
  • The KubeEdge project is collaborating with telecom companies and contributing to white papers on 5G multi-access edge computing
Authors: Kevin Wang, Yin Ding

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the deployment of Kubernetes on edge nodes and its performance testing.
  • Kubernetes can be deployed on edge nodes transparently to developers
  • Active-active deployment can prevent connection loss between cloud and edge
  • IoT cases involve deploying apps on edge nodes
  • Performance testing includes latency, throughput, scalability, CPU usage, and memory usage
  • Kubernetes scalability is multi-dimensional and requires careful configuration
  • Decentralized security and network policy are being researched for edge nodes