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Authors: Yin Ding, Kevin Wang

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the Cube Edge project, which aims to enable AI collaboration between cloud and edge computing. The project has multiple use cases, including satellite image analysis and oil field management. The community effort is crucial to the project's growth, and the future of the project involves creating dedicated scenario-based toolkits and supporting multiple architectures and operating systems.
  • Cube Edge enables AI collaboration between cloud and edge computing
  • Use cases include satellite image analysis and oil field management
  • Community effort is crucial to the project's growth
  • Future plans involve creating dedicated scenario-based toolkits and supporting multiple architectures and operating systems
Authors: Yin Ding, Zefeng (Kevin) Wang

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the results of a stability test for the Kubernetes-based KubeEdge project, which aims to support edge computing. The test shows that KubeEdge can support 100 nodes and manage one million deployed pods.
  • KubeEdge is a Kubernetes-based project for edge computing
  • The stability test shows that KubeEdge can support 100 nodes and manage one million deployed pods
  • The test results show impressive latency performance for both mutating and read-only API calls
  • The presentation mentions plans to improve security and device mappers, as well as support for cross-submarine communications and edge clusters
  • The KubeEdge project is collaborating with telecom companies and contributing to white papers on 5G multi-access edge computing
Authors: Zhipeng Huang, Xiaoman Hu, Yue Bao

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses how KubeEdge Sedna, a cloud-native edge machine learning suite, is combined with TinyMS, a high-level API toolkit for MindSpore deep learning framework, to enable incremental learning at the satellite to accomplish tasks like remote sensing and earth observing.
  • KubeEdge has brought cloud-native to space with several small research satellites equipped with edge computing and AI.
  • KubeEdge Sedna and TinyMS are combined to enable incremental learning at the satellite for tasks like remote sensing and earth observing.
  • The presentation provides a deep dive into how KubeEdge Sedna and TinyMS work together to accomplish incremental deep learning for satellites.
  • The use of KubeEdge Sedna and TinyMS allows for the optimization of vast amounts of data using artificial intelligence and cloud-native technology.
  • The presentation includes an anecdote about how KubeEdge Sedna and TinyMS are used to detect farmland areas using satellite data.
Authors: Kevin Wang, Yin Ding

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the deployment of Kubernetes on edge nodes and its performance testing.
  • Kubernetes can be deployed on edge nodes transparently to developers
  • Active-active deployment can prevent connection loss between cloud and edge
  • IoT cases involve deploying apps on edge nodes
  • Performance testing includes latency, throughput, scalability, CPU usage, and memory usage
  • Kubernetes scalability is multi-dimensional and requires careful configuration
  • Decentralized security and network policy are being researched for edge nodes
Authors: Kevin Wang, Yin Ding

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The Sedna project provides an AI toolkit for age cloud collaboration and synergy mechanism for AI workloads. The project aims to simplify incremental learning and enhance the federation of federated learning to support more scenarios for the robotic SIG.
  • The Sedna project is an AI toolkit for age cloud collaboration and synergy mechanism for AI workloads
  • The project simplifies incremental learning and enhances the federation of federated learning to support more scenarios for the robotic SIG
  • The Sedna project helps achieve joint influencing for day-to-day AI workload and simplifies the model training upgrade iteration
  • The project focuses on API definition and the reference architecture as well as implementation relevant to the robotics ecosystem
  • The Sedna project may focus on containerizing some of the software including the iOS and the engageable
  • The project is used in the world's longest process C bridge to monitor metrics of the bridge itself and track traffic to generate emergency alerts
  • The Sedna project aims to achieve age cloud collaborative architecture or robot cloud collaborative architecture
Authors: Katie Gamanji

tldr - powered by Generative AI

Cloud native GitOps tools, such as ArgoCD and Flux, enable zero-touch deployment of infrastructure and applications at the edge. The talk outlines the usage of GitOps in association with ClusterAPI for infrastructure provisioning and KubeEdge for service propagation to the edge.
  • Introduction to cloud native GitHub stores such as ArgoCD and Flux
  • Real use cases of GitOps in infrastructure provisioning using ClusterAPI and FlexCD integration
  • Pushing applications towards the edge using KubeEdge and ArgoCD
  • Importance of declarative, automatic, and reliable fundamentals in cloud native deployment