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Authors: Aurélie Vache

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The talk discusses the impostor syndrome, its root causes, and how to overcome it. The main point is that the impostor syndrome is caused by a flawed perception of other people as being vastly different from oneself, and that the solution is to make a leap of faith and realize that everyone is flawed and vulnerable. The talk provides tips and tricks for fighting the impostor syndrome and emphasizes the importance of humanizing the world.
  • The impostor syndrome is a feeling of deception and fear that one's success is not linked to personal accomplishment but rather luck or the work of others
  • The root cause of the impostor syndrome is a flawed perception of other people as being vastly different from oneself
  • The solution to the impostor syndrome is to make a leap of faith and realize that everyone is flawed and vulnerable
  • Tips and tricks for fighting the impostor syndrome are provided
  • Humanizing the world is important for overcoming the impostor syndrome