
Tips To Fight Impostor Syndrome


Authors:   Aurélie Vache


The talk discusses the impostor syndrome, its root causes, and how to overcome it. The main point is that the impostor syndrome is caused by a flawed perception of other people as being vastly different from oneself, and that the solution is to make a leap of faith and realize that everyone is flawed and vulnerable. The talk provides tips and tricks for fighting the impostor syndrome and emphasizes the importance of humanizing the world.
  • The impostor syndrome is a feeling of deception and fear that one's success is not linked to personal accomplishment but rather luck or the work of others
  • The root cause of the impostor syndrome is a flawed perception of other people as being vastly different from oneself
  • The solution to the impostor syndrome is to make a leap of faith and realize that everyone is flawed and vulnerable
  • Tips and tricks for fighting the impostor syndrome are provided
  • Humanizing the world is important for overcoming the impostor syndrome
The speaker shares several anecdotes about her personal experiences with the impostor syndrome, including some that were very hard and helped shape who she is today.


Who has not once said the phrase:- I sucks - I don't know anything - I feel like an impostor - I don't feel legitimate to do this or do that Some people are convinced that they do not deserve their success, despite the efforts they make to succeed. They often convince themselves that their success is not linked to their work, their personal accomplishment, but simply to luck or the work of others. In fact, they live permanently with a feeling of deception and constantly fear that someone will unmask them from one day to another. Despite my stuttering, I am a speaker, a mentor, a conference organizer and very invested in women in tech and tech communities. In this talk, we will see what the impostor syndrome is, how it is reflected on a daily basis and we will see that it is not inevitable, on the contrary, that there are tips and tricks for the fight, overcome and improve. And I will also tell you several anecdotes that happened to me, which were very hard and which made me who I am today.
