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Authors: Dan Jaglowski

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The OpenTelemetry Collector is now a more capable tool for processing telemetry due to the introduction of the Connectors framework.
  • The Connectors framework allows for the creation of generalized systems for managing telemetry.
  • Connectors can be used to replicate and merge data streams, apply sampling criteria, and reason about multiple data types in one place.
  • The structure of pipelines and data streams in the OpenTelemetry Collector is governed by certain rules and expectations.
  • The Connectors framework can be used to address limitations in the existing pipeline structure.
  • An anecdote is provided to illustrate how the Connectors framework can be used to filter and redact telemetry data.
Authors: Christian Kadner

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The Q4 Pipelines team proposes a new component registry to address problems with authoring, publishing, and maintaining components. The registry will have a unified YAML format, versioning and tagging capabilities, and direct integration with the Q4 Pipelines SDK. Third-party registries can also implement the server-side of the API. The Machine Learning Exchange is an example of a registry that is implementing the new protocol. It offers various asset types, including pipelines, components, models, data sets, and notebooks. Watson Studio Pipelines is also in open beta and provides a canvas for running experiments and integrating notebooks.
  • Q4 Pipelines proposes a new component registry to address problems with authoring, publishing, and maintaining components
  • The registry will have a unified YAML format, versioning and tagging capabilities, and direct integration with the Q4 Pipelines SDK
  • Third-party registries can also implement the server-side of the API
  • The Machine Learning Exchange is an example of a registry that is implementing the new protocol and offers various asset types
  • Watson Studio Pipelines is in open beta and provides a canvas for running experiments and integrating notebooks
Authors: Michael Friedrich

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the importance of observability in DevOps and how it can be achieved through metrics, tracing, and chaos engineering.
  • Observability is crucial in DevOps and can be achieved through metrics, tracing, and chaos engineering.
  • Metrics and tracing provide valuable data for observability and can be implemented through tools like Prometheus and OpenTelemetry.
  • Chaos engineering can help identify and prevent potential issues in a system.
  • Teams should be trained and onboarded on observability practices, including defining service level objectives and alerts.
  • Observability should be a team effort and accessible to everyone.
  • The speaker encourages learning and collaboration in the open source community to ensure systems are running smoothly.